How To Apply For A Mortgage Loan As A Newcomer In Canada

Mortgage loans are put in place to assist newcomers to start a new life in Canada by getting a good place to stay. Before you can apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada, several banks around the country offer mortgage solutions. 

Do you need to know more about mortgage loans? Read through this page to know how they operate, what kind of banks provide them, and the required qualifications for obtaining them. 

What Is A Newcomer’s Mortgage? 

Firstly, this does not only apply to newcomers. All Canadians require a mortgage loan to secure or buy a home. Look at a newcomer mortgage as a different kind of product by various Canadian banks for individuals who are new immigrants. 

The product is designed to assist them in obtaining a mortgage even if they don’t match the standard for a conventional mortgage. 

However, several factors make it difficult to apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada which will be explained below; 

Lack of Canadian Employment History

In some instances, you may not be able to apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada because the banks offering the mortgage prefer that you have worked in the country for some reasonable period. 

This implies that you need to have an employment history in Canada which indicates how steady your income can be. 

Unestablished Canadian Credit History

As you are opting for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada, you won’t have established a strong credit history because you have yet to secure and repay loans from any financial institution in the country. 

The bank needs to review your credit report to determine how you have handled debt in the past. They will also review your balances and credit limits as well as information about your payment history. 

The credit history is important because it demonstrates your long-term financial responsibility. 

In some cases, you don’t have to worry about the situation since some banks can be lenient towards those who want to apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada. Nevertheless, this does not stop the applicants from fulfilling certain requirements. 

Am I Eligible for a Newcomers Mortgage?

Those new to Canada are offered mortgage defaults by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)Sagen, or Canada Guaranty

The process is the same because the insurers have minimal borrower requirements. However, to apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada, the applicants must be qualified with the following; 

1. Immigrated To Canada Within The Last 5 Years

Before you can apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada, you must have immigrated into the country for more than five years where you will no longer be regarded as an immigrant. 

It is one of the most important qualifications that applicants must possess to establish their stay and integration into the community and society. 

2. Have Legal Status In Canada

Another qualification is that the applicant must become a temporary or long-term resident in the country. 

For whatever reason, they must be residents, whether it’s an immigrant status for temporary residency or even permanent residency. They must also have a work permit that will aid them in getting their mortgage loan. 

3. Have Been Employed Full-time In Canada For At Least 3 Months

Understandably, newcomers seeking a mortgage loan in Canada might find it difficult, especially if they don’t have up to two years of employment history. 

However, there are some exceptions to this condition. The applicants can at least have some full-time employment history. 

They can also have at least three months of full-time employment history in Canada except if the applicants are being transferred by their existing company into the country. 

4. Applicants Must Have A Down Payment Of At Least 5%

Before applying for a mortgage loan and getting approved as a newcomer, you must put down at least 5% of the purchase price. There’s also an exception here too. 

For example, if the home costs more than $500,000, the minimum down payment could be increased. Additionally, the bank may also stipulate the required down payment that comes from your funds and savings rather than gifts or loans. 

You might be unable to qualify for a particular loan mortgage as a newcomer in Canada, but some lenders will offer a solution by demanding a larger down like 20% or even 35% if you don’t have a Canadian credit history at all. 

5. Meet Qualification Ratios

Your debt service ratio is an essential tool because it shows how much your income is used to pay off debt. 

If you are using more income to pay off your debt, the ratio becomes worse, which is why you need to understand how the gross debt service (GDS) and total debt service (TDS) ratio work. Noteworthy, both of your debt ratios should be within 39 and 44 percent respectively. 

The next thing is to evaluate your ratios using the mortgage stress test rate. It is important to note that this does not apply to your international rental income, but only your foreign debt. 

Once you’re able to meet all the standards, don’t hesitate to choose a perfect mortgage provider. They are known as bankers and smaller regional lenders. 

Another best way to get a newcomer mortgage is to work with a broker so that you can be briefed on the latest updates. 

How Do I Apply For A Mortgage Loan As A Newcomer In Canada? 

Let’s get straight to business; you can consider your new immigrant mortgage alternatives whether you have already arrived in Canada or not. 

It’s right for you to know how the process works so that you will be ready for your new home search and your mortgage authorization. Let’s carefully examine the procedure apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada; 

1. Determine Your Budget

First things first; your budget should be put in place at the beginning of the process. It can be helpful when you begin looking for a property. While doing this, don’t make the mistake of choosing a house that exceeds your means to pay for it. 

You can avoid this error by making informed decisions initially by preparing for your future. You also need to know how affordable your mortgage is. 

Internet calculators can help determine your affordability by providing you with a general outline to follow. Afterward, you can start saving up for a down payment. 

2. Build Your Canadian Credit History

The second step you need to take to apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada is working to establish your Canadian credit history. Most people think this process is difficult, but it’s far from that. 

You could begin by paying your phone or cable bills. Amazingly, you’ll find out that many institutions provide immigrants loan mortgage products without credit histories with complimentary cards. 

This enables you to seize the opportunity. Always try to construct a good credit history by raising your credit score high. 

3. Get A Mortgage Pre-approval

There’s an option for a mortgage pre-approval from a bank or lender if you need to get more definitive feedback regarding the price of the mortgage you’re eligible to borrow. 

You will also know the rate, and size of the monthly mortgage payment, and also be aware of the maximum mortgage amount that the lender will permit you to borrow. 

Then you should get ready to receive the note of pre-approval for a mortgage that enables you to shop for a suitable home in Canada. 

Along the line, you will also know the amount of down payment you will need to make so that you can start saving up for it. 

4. Find A Real Estate Agent

Now all you need to do is to find a competent real estate agent the moment you have your complete funds. You can start by making an offer on a house through your real estate agent. Note that your mortgage needs to be authorized the moment your offer becomes accepted. 

Another important thing to note is that you don’t have to go to the bank to obtain a mortgage if you have your pre-approval letter. Find the cheapest rates by comparing offers from various mortgage lenders or working with a mortgage broker. 

Benefits Of Applying For A Loan Mortgage As A Newcomer In Canada 

Here are some of the benefits derived when you apply for a loan mortgage; 

Building Credit History

When you take out a loan and make repayment within the stipulated time helps you to build a strong credit history in Canada. 

The reason why credit histories are important is because they enhance future transactions like obtaining larger loans, mortgages, or credit cards. 

2. Access to Funds for Immediate Needs

Mortgage loans give applicants immediate access to funds needed for essential expenses like setting up a home, buying a car, or even covering tuition fees. Its usefulness is reflected when settling into a new country and managing initial expenses. 

3. Establishing Financial Relationships

It builds a strong relationship between the applicant and the lender or the financial institution. Based on the kind of relationship in question, it opens doors for future financial services like investment advice, savings accounts, and other banking products. 

4. Improving Financial Management Skills

When you successfully manage a loan responsibility, it presupposes that you can also enhance your financial literacy and budgeting skills as time goes on. 

You would like to know more about interest rates, repayment schedules, and the importance of timely payments. They can be considered valuable skills for overall financial health. 

5. Leveraging Competitive Interest Rates

One of the major advantages open to newcomers is that after borrowing a loan mortgage from a bank or lender, they have access to special loan applications. 

These are not just ordinary loan offers because they are designed to support immigrants. The exceptional features include competitive interest rates or more favorable terms. As a result, it makes borrowing more affordable. 

These benefits are the best experiences when any newcomer successfully manages a loan mortgage from any lender or financial institution in Canada. They can also ease the transition to life in Canada and support long-term financial stability. 


What is the credit score of a newcomer in Canada?

As a newcomer to Canada, you start with a blank slate for your credit history. This means you don’t have a credit score at all, rather than beginning with a specific number. It’s crucial to recognize that having no credit score is not the same as having a bad credit score.

Who is considered a newcomer in Canada?

Who is considered a newcomer? An immigrant or refugee who has been in Canada for less than five years is typically classified as a newcomer. They have access to numerous services at settlement agencies, including language assistance and immigration support. Newcomers play a significant role in contributing to Ontario’s social and economic prosperity.

How can new immigrants buy a house in Canada?

New immigrants can purchase a house in Canada without any restrictions. Many banks provide special mortgage programs for newcomers. To qualify for financing, you’ll need to make a down payment of 5 to 35%. Since the Canadian home buying process is complex, it’s advisable to hire a realtor.

Can I move to Canada with bad credit?

While your overall financial flexibility is important, a weak credit score won’t necessarily prevent you from moving to Canada. The length of your credit history helps creditors assess your reliability in repaying loans.


Get prepared to secure the perfect home of your choice when you apply for a mortgage loan as a newcomer in Canada. There are lots of possibilities to explore while seeking a mortgage in the country and you get to enjoy several benefits such as making payment for the mortgage within the specified timeframe.